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  The Living Dead will live / Les mortes vivantes qui vivreraient....
  Click below to enlarge / Clickez ci-dessous pour agrandir.

This should be interesting

It's risky business fighting zombies in the sewer, but that's nothing compared to being launched into the middle of a cavernous zombie pit!

I know what you're thinking: 'Why on earth did she let go of her blade!?'

That's what I was thinking! Stay tuned to find out.

Be a part of an epic tale!

Zombie Planet frame 12.1


Details! If you look closely you'll notice one or two of the close-ups doesn't appear in the main image. That's because the character is currently infront of those details.

Never too lovingly detailed for Lucworks!

Be a part of an epic tale!

12.1 frames
Colour Zombies Grave Escape thumb Atomic Zombies thumb Reverend Funk Zombie thumb Samurai Zombie killer thumb Zombie Party Thumb Witches and Zombies Thumb 2.3 thumb 6.4 7.1 7.2  
  7.3-3 7.4-3 9.1-3 tunnel zombies 10.2-4 11.2-zombie attack 11.5 12.1        
BW sketch ideas for Planète Witches and Zombies Thumb Mint and Cola Experiment Thumb Seeding Zombies thumb Slaughter Kitten Thumb Little stuff thumb 11.1-lines Trout lines 6.4 lines 27.0 lines zombie scare pose meatball attraction
  zombie pit and monuments                    
Images from Zombie Planet Grave Escape thumb Grave Escape thumb 2.3 thumb 6.4 7.1 7.2 15.1-3.jpg 15.5-4.jpg taking the plunge vine elevator 15.7-2 space lab  
  4.4 thumb 3.2 thumb 3.13 invitation to an epic tale 8.0 zombie slasher 9.1-3 tunnel zombies 11.5          
  Colouring Zombie Planet - Preselling Issues Now!
  Watch my new video / Ecoutez mon nouveau video !

In Living Colour!

I believe that colour and texture are going to make Zombie Planet the greatest Zombie vs Magical Samurai epic the world has ever seen.

I'm pre-selling comics and posters to make this dream a reality.

Check it out !

Video produced and edited by Yan Abud!

Zombie Planet - Colouring the Comic from Lucas Fehr on Vimeo

  Want to see it live?

It wants to live!

You can help me give birth to the most ambitious creative challenge I've yet attempted!

Keep me warm. Keep me in coffee. Keep me colouring!

No amount is too little; no amount is too large.

See list of donation prizes!

2.3 story whisper
donate button 
  PLANÈTE (a.k.a. Zombie Planet) - ETA Christmas 2012
A Lucwork in progress....

Free Dismembership!

Do you love zombies? Would you love to see these delicious horrors in contrast with the greatest transformation collective consciouness can conceive of? I can hardly wait to share it with you!

Put your name on the list of people interested in a copy of this full colour, splatter-manifesto of love and apocalyptic transformation.

Reserve your copy here.

hero cake card mike
© 2007 copyright Lucas Fehr